CRM / SRM / Contract Management

CRM / SRM / Contract Management

At the heart of any business system is the Client Relationship Management System. A good system records everything about the client, its business, its trading locations, its people and what roles they fill. Then we can talk about the contractual relationship we have, what products we have agreed to sell and what the agreed pricing is for those products.

And the same applies to our supply chain management for the Supplier side.

The great thing about JetStream is that this then seamlessly merges with the operation side of the business, so that when we purchase a new product from a supplier, the database learns and records this information in the Supplier Contract, so that future purchases of the product can use this knowledge.

This Learning Behaviour is key to the system and provides a knowledge harvesting approach to the business as a whole. A sales opportunity may be identified and recorded with minimal information, from this seed the business relationship will build over time and with each interaction new information will be gathered until we have a full picture of the client and a smotth working relationship.

A JETPAC Solution by Jet Creative Studio